Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gingerbread Men

To end the Thanksgiving weekend, the boys decorated some gingerbread men with Grammy and PopPop. Aren't they cute?? 

Kicking off the Holiday Season with a Parade

For some Black Friday = shopping.  But for us, Black Friday = Parade at the Reston Town Center.  This year, the whole Vaughan clan joined in the fun.  It's not the Macy's parade, but it is still a fun way to welcome the Christmas season, especially when the sun is shining.  Goodbye Thanksgiving and Hello Christmas!  (and thanks for the extra few days in between this year....I *REALLY* like that!)

It's A ......

BOY!!!!  (Can you see the blue stripe in the middle of the cheesecake?)  We are all very excited to meet the newest cousin next year. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with Dan's family at his parent's house.  After romping outside and enjoying the beautiful weather, we had a wonderful time feasting and sharing about some of the many blessings for which we are all thankful.  God has been very good to all of us!

A Preschool Feast

On Friday before Thanksgiving week, my little pilgrim celebrated the upcoming holiday with other Pilgrims and Indians.  After a cute song performance, the kids were excited to dig into the feast of snacks!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

End of the Season

The last game of the season was a bit chilly, but it was the ending to a great season for Nathan.  He had lots of fun and learned so much!  He is already looking forward to baseball starting up again next spring.


The Final Score:  Playground: 1 and Andrew: 0.

Trick or Treat

Introducing Captain America and Jake the Pirate (from Disney Jr.'s "Jake and the Neverland Pirates").