Saturday, April 28, 2012

Cherry Blossom 10 Miler

After completing the Hot Chocolate 15K in December, Dan and I signed up for the lottery and were lucky enough to be selected for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler.  With the help of my cousin and her boyfriend, we were able to stay overnight in a hotel in DC so we could catch a few extra zzzzzzzz before heading to the start line early Sunday morning. 
Although the pink blossoms were long gone (thanks to an unbelievably beautiful March), we had a great run and I also ran into an old friend from college that I probably have not seen since college. 

Staff Matball Game

At the end of March, we had a fun evening at the Liberty Elementary Staff Matball Game which was held at Freedom High School.  We had no idea what to expect and were surprised by the popularity of this event.  The stands were packed and the kids had a blast watching the teachers and staff of Liberty face off.  For those of you not famliar with Matball, it is kind of like Kickball, but multiple people can be on the same base at the same time.  Nathan even had the opporturnity to pitch for an inning when his name was drawn.  And his team won so he was able to pose with Principal Atwater and the trophy.

Cavs Practice in NOVA

Although it was a dreary day, the boys had a fun time with CavMan at Fairfax High School.They met up with Gramma and Grandad to watch the UVA Football team practice.

Go Cavs!

Working Out

In early February, we went to Fair Oaks Mall to do a little shopping.  While I was picking up a few things in some other stores, Dan took the boys to Sears to check out some treadmills.  A few minutes later I joined the boys in Sears and found Nathan on the elliptical.  While Dan and I looked at the treadmills, Nathan proceeded to complete a 30 minute workout in the middle of Sears!