Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Small Group Christmas Party

On Monday night, we gathered early with our Small Group so the kids could enjoy dinner and a Christmas celebration together. With six kids now, I would describe the evening as semi-controlled chaos with a splattering of food and fun.
The kids enjoyed hunting for stars, the story of Christmas,

and a birthday cake for Jesus.

Impromptu Christmas Light Contest

On our way home from our late night of shopping, Dan and I noticed a VERY festively decorated house in our neighborhood. So we decided we would drive around South Riding on Sunday night to look at the Christmas lights and then show the boys the house we had noticed. Before we left, Nathan was very adamant about drawing a picture that he could give as a gift to the house he liked best. So once he was done, we climbed in the van and set off on our adventure.
There were lots of beautifully decorated homes throughout the neighborhood. But we were looking for the WOW factor. Here were the two runners up....... (the pictures don't really do them justice).

Nathan ending up selecting this gem as the winner of his prize. They had an unbelievable amount of inflatables, as well as more traditional lights. They also had an inflatable nativity scene, which I had never seen before. (It was the house that Dan and I had spotted the night before. )

Nathan gave the owner his picture and when the owner asked if he could put it on his fridge, Nathan beamed. We also learned that Santa would be visiting this house on Tuesday night between 6 and 8 pm. One of the runner-up houses also had a sign posted that Santa was visiting on Monday and Thursday nights. Can you believe this? These families are extreme. We did not plan on going back, but Nathan remembered it was Tuesday and remembered Santa would be at that house.... so how could we say no?!?!?

Andrew would not get close to Santa, but he did say thank you when Santa gave him a small stuffed animal. Unbelievable - a gift for each kid too?!?!? Thank you neighbors for your generosity and spirit of fun and giving!

Christmas Party at Nathan's School

Last Friday, Dan and I left work a little early to join Nathan for his Christmas Party. The Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten kids sang four songs for us. I wish we had videotaped the last song, Feliz Navidad, as there was one very loud and energetic little girl who was hilarious.

Andrew was also excited to come and especially to share in the special treats after the concert.

We finally made it there.....

When we used to live in Alexandria, we had an annual tradition to visit the National Tree and have dinner at Old Ebbits Grill. Well, with the addition of kids, dinner at Old Ebbits isn't quite as enjoyable as it used to be. But this past Saturday, we did make it downtown to enjoy the trees, trains, yule log and nativity.

Afterwards, we crossed the bridge back into VA and enjoyed a "gourmet" dinner at Noodles & Company at Pentagon Row. The food was good, but the ambiance was just not quite the same as Old Ebbits (especially with the fire alarm going off for the last 10 minutes of dinner). After dinner, we dragged the boys through Pentagon City Mall (I miss that mall) to finish up some Christmas shopping. We made it home around 10:45, after stopping at two more malls on the way home. The boys were troopers that night and a special thanks to the DVD player in the van.

Festival of Lights

For the 3rd year in a row, our plans to visit the National Tree in DC and go out to dinner for Dan's birthday had to be changed at the last minute. In 2008, I was on bedrest. In 2009, we had the 1st sizable snow of the season. In 2010, it was just a rainy yucky day. So instead, Dan's parents joined us for dinner and cake at our house.
After dinner, we noticed that the rain had pretty much stopped, so we piled in the van to drive through the Festival of Lights at Bull Run in Manassas.

Given the weather, we didn't plan on stopping at the carnival at the end. But..... it wasn't raining, so we hopped out of the car and were able to squeeze in a visit with Santa and a hayride.

As we were getting off the hayride, we all started to feel raindrops on our face. We made it back to the car just in time. Our timing could not have been more perfect.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

One More Party

Last night we partied. After leaving the Sotelo's at 9:15, we drove to Andrew's daycare to catch the tail end of that Christmas party. This is our 5th time attending her annual Christmas party - which is an unbelievable party with an unbelievable spread of food. Nathan was eager to get there as he knew Santa comes each year bearing gifts for all of the children. Unfortunately, we missed Santa's visit, but luckily he left some gifts for the boys.

After chatting and playing for about an hour, we finally loaded up the van at 10:30 and headed home. All things considered, the boys did great staying up so late. Nathan woke up this morning around 7 am, but Andrew and Daddy slept in until 9! The boys are now taking a great nap, which allowed me to get all caught up on the blog. Yeah!

The Firm Christmas Party

Last night, almost all of employees of Vaughan, Fincher & Sotelo (we missed you Nina!) and their families gathered for a Christmas party at the Sotelo's home. Thanks to the Sotelo's for opening their home to all of us.

We enjoyed lots of time eating, drinking and mingling with one another.....

The kids also received some sweet treats from a very special guest.....

Thanks Santa and Mrs. Claus for arranging the special visit!

A Birthday Breakfast

Yesterday was Dan's 37th birthday. Can you believe it? We had a busy night ahead of us, so we started the day with a yummy birthday breakfast.
Happy Birthday Daddy! I hope you like the pajamas that Nathan picked out for you. The gift was completely Nathan's idea. I guess Nathan doesn't consider boxers appropriate PJs.

Santa Visits Discovery Station

Santa is very busy this time of year. On Thursday he visited with Nathan and all of his friends at Discovery Station. Nathan and Santa had a pretty serious chat. Apparently, Santa told Nathan that he has been a little naughty this year,

but that he "is still on the good list!"

Santa Sighting in South Riding

Last Sunday, we braved the cold and wind to meet up with Santa Claus as he toured our neighborhood.

Santa left his reindeer at the North Pole to rest, but he did bring along some other friends.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas

Last Saturday night, we decorated our Christmas Tree. I'd like to say this was a very special heartwarming family time, but... it was more like normal family time. After putting the star in place, Nathan jumped off the arm of the sofa and earned himself a time-out. Then Andrew, eager to check out the Christmas balls, broke one in his hand and cut his finger. It didn't even phase him, but the images of blood smeared all over the house sure got my attention. After we had Andrew's finger bandaged up, we began decorating the tree again, this time with a little more success.

After the boys went to bad, Dan and I spread the ornaments out a little more and picked up about ten that Andrew had just dropped on the floor behind the tree. AAhhhh....... Christmas memories.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Breakfast with Saint Nick

This morning, we enjoyed our 2nd Breakfast with Santa at the Arcola United Methodist Church. This event is sponsored by the Arcola Pleasant Valley Volunteer Fire Department. Andrew's favorite part was the pancakes with whipped cream, sprinkles and syrup.

Nathan enjoyed the breakfast, ornament painting and.... his visit with Santa. So far, Nathan has repeatedly been asking Santa for a Pillow Pet (he also put a letter to Santa in our mailbox last week with this request) This consistency is good because I hear that Santa already has one picked out for him. :) Shhhhhhhhhhh.
Andrew, on the other hand, was not quite ready to visit with the jolly old elf. Maybe next year.