Monday, February 11, 2013

Celebrating with Old Friends

Recently, Andrew has been "catching up" with his friend Cameron, who he used to play with everyday at Lanka's daycare.  Cameron and Andrew are both playing soccer this winter at the Dulles Spotsplex on Saturday mornings and their fields are right next to each other.  But this past Saturday was extra special, because after soccer class, Andrew was going to Cameron's birthday party which was also at the Sportsplex.  At the party, Andrew was excited to catch up with a few more old buddies from his old daycare.  There were lots of hugs and smiles!

A Purrrrfect Party

It's hard to believe, but our niece, Isabelle, turned 6 this past January and we celebrated at her Purrrfect cat themed party.  There were lots of fun crafts and activities for the kids to enjoy.  But the hit was eating ice cream like a cat, without using your "paws".  

Happy Birthday Isabelle!

MLK Weekend 2013 (aka Vaughan Christmas 2012)

Well, we may have missed the snow again with our trip to Deep Creek Lake over MLK Weekend, but that didn't dampen our spirits.  There were presents GALORE for each of the cousins and lots of hugs to share.  We even squeezed in a ice skating outing at Wisp Resort.  But we spent most of the time indoors eating and playing with all of the kids' new toys!  



December birthdays are tough, in general.  But especially tough when they are within a couple of days of Christmas.  Well, waiting until January to celebrate Aunt Carol's 70th birthday really helped make the surprise party for her a true SURPRISE and a really fun celebration!

Baby on the Way

While the kids finished bouncing at Rebounderz, I drove to Warrenton to celebrate the next Baby Vaughan at Crissi's shower.  Since I am quite a few weeks behind on posting we are now in the final countdown for the baby's arrival.  Stay tuned for his arrival......


Finally, it was Saturday, so Nathan was able to join all the kids for this fun outing to Rebounderz.    After putting on the safety gear and watching the safety video, it was off to the trampolines. The kids had an absolute blast and were tired and starving by the end of the session!  Unfortunately, our camera does not do well capturing action shots, but here are a few photos from this great outing. 

It was a fun couple of days hanging out with Adam, Lisa, Seth, Paige and the Korsvalls. 

Checking out the Children's Museum

On the second day of their visit, Andrew and Dan joined met the group at the National Harbor and checked out the new Children's Museum, after climbing on the Awakening statue.