Monday, February 10, 2014

New Fun in the Snow

While we have had a lot of school closings and delays due to weather (snow, ice and extremely cold days), I wouldn't say we've had a very significant amount of snow.  But enough snow that we have been able to squeeze in some sledding in the neighborhood (sorry - no pics).  Always in search of a new thrill, the boys have begun standing on their sleds and "snowboarding" down the hills. While we had no doubts about Nathan's willingness, we now felt that Andrew might also be ready for a now snow activity....skiing.  So we booked some lessons and this past Saturday, we loaded up the van and headed north to Whitetail for the afternoon. 

After a two hour lesson and an extra hour practicing what they learned, both boys were having a blast skiing down the the beginner slopes. 

Andrew mastering the magic carpet ride!

The day was a HUGE success and the boys can't wait for the next ski adventure!  Dan and I have big dreams to make skiing something our whole family can enjoy together over the years.  We'll see what happens!


Last weekend, we met up with one of my old friends from college and took our crew of kids to Rebounderz for a fun outing.  It's so hard to believe how big everyone is getting! 

Birthday Celebration

In between snow & ice storms, Andrew and I travelled to Charlottesville to celebrate his cousin's birthday.  Isabelle turned 7 this year and her birthday theme of Snowflakes was perfect given the weather this past January.


Derby Time

In early January, Nathan finished up his 1st Pinewood Derby Car for the big race.  While his car may have looked really cool, it wasn't very fast.   But it was still a fun event and we have some ideas about how to improve the design for next year.