Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Impromptu Christmas Light Contest

On our way home from our late night of shopping, Dan and I noticed a VERY festively decorated house in our neighborhood. So we decided we would drive around South Riding on Sunday night to look at the Christmas lights and then show the boys the house we had noticed. Before we left, Nathan was very adamant about drawing a picture that he could give as a gift to the house he liked best. So once he was done, we climbed in the van and set off on our adventure.
There were lots of beautifully decorated homes throughout the neighborhood. But we were looking for the WOW factor. Here were the two runners up....... (the pictures don't really do them justice).

Nathan ending up selecting this gem as the winner of his prize. They had an unbelievable amount of inflatables, as well as more traditional lights. They also had an inflatable nativity scene, which I had never seen before. (It was the house that Dan and I had spotted the night before. )

Nathan gave the owner his picture and when the owner asked if he could put it on his fridge, Nathan beamed. We also learned that Santa would be visiting this house on Tuesday night between 6 and 8 pm. One of the runner-up houses also had a sign posted that Santa was visiting on Monday and Thursday nights. Can you believe this? These families are extreme. We did not plan on going back, but Nathan remembered it was Tuesday and remembered Santa would be at that house.... so how could we say no?!?!?

Andrew would not get close to Santa, but he did say thank you when Santa gave him a small stuffed animal. Unbelievable - a gift for each kid too?!?!? Thank you neighbors for your generosity and spirit of fun and giving!

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